Posted on August 15th , 2023
Instructor: Husain Gholoom
Class Time Section 001 - ( face-to-face ) :   MW    3:30 p.m. - 4:50 p.m. IGRM 3104  
Office Hours ( Via Zoom ) :   MW    11:15 am - 12:30 pm   &   2:00 pm - 3:15 pm
Others by appointment : Appointments need not be made during regularly scheduled office hours
Course Objectives :
- Describe the physical elements of a computer, including gates, circuits, computing components, and the central processing unit (CPU).
- Describe the numbering systems, binary values , and data representation.
- Describe the differance between low-level programming languages, high-level programming languages, overview of operating systems, and file systems.
- Describe databse / information systems, computer networks , and world wide web.
- Introduction to Python Programming language.
- Describe Various data types, data values, and variables in Python.
- Explain how expressions and arithmetic equations are programmed in Python.
- Writing functional Python programs to compute, iterate, list, search, sort, or perform some other programmable task.