Course timetabling is an important operational and time consuming task in many
colleges and universities. Every lecture room must be assigned to instructors and their classes ,
day and time for each lecture without violating any constraints [ 1 ]. The purpose of this paper
is to examine timetable generation problem with regards to college classrooms , course subjects,
start and end time for each subject. Several popular techniques used on course timetabling
problem are discussed. The paper will introduce a brief description of the timetabling problem
at college of business studies at Public Authority for Applied Education and Training in
Kuwait. An automated timetabling information system framework will also be presented.
Timetabling is usual problem of each academic community and it was very often tried to be solve
by researchers. Although a lot of scientific and commercial work was made in this area, however ,
in many educational institutions, timetable is still scheduled manually and often if a computer is
used, it is needed only for data presentation or checking constraint validation [ 2 ] .
The term scheduling is generally described as constrained allocation of resources to objects
being placed in space-time with minimal cost of set of resources used, however , timetabling is
the allocation subject to constraints of giving resources to objects being placed in space-time
which satisfies or nearly satisfies set of possible objectives [ 3] . Example of scheduling is
the airplane or a train route traveling from point a to point
b with objective of minimizing the total cost function, where
class timetabling and exam timetabling is examples of timetabling which all hard constraints
and few soft constraints must be satisfied. Constraints are restrictions of some type such as
number of lecture rooms, number of computer labs. Constraints are either hard or soft. Hard
constraints are conditions that can not be violated under any circumstances and soft constraints,
on the other hand are constraints that are desirable, may be violated, but should be satisfied
as much as possible [4] . Many techniques has been used in order to automated
timetabling problem . In the early days and still some institutions carry out the construction
of time tabling manually every semester . The manual task is complicated and time consuming
since the educational system became more dynamic and complicated. The need for automated
timetabling system became a must. New techniques were presented such as integer and linear
programming , graph coloring , genetic algorithms , memetic algorithms , local search,
and constraint logic programming . It should be noticed that once the timetable is generated ,
the timetabling team members may interactively change the timetable that is produced by the
automatic tool without violating any of the hard or soft constrains . In this paper, we present
college timetabling problem and overview of automatic and interactive techniques and tools
applied in solving timetabling . The paper will also presents a brief description of
timetabling problem at college of business studies at public authority for applied education and
training. Finally, a broad information system architecture for automated timetabling problem will
also be presented.
Course timetabling problem , which is one classification of university timetabling ,
is well known problem for researchers for some time. The timetabling problem is dealing with
generally series of meetings between students, instructors in classrooms or labs ( space )
for a specific period of time per week ( timeslots ) during a semester according to satisfied
constraints [ 5 ]. It is mapping between instructors meeting students in a specific location for
a period of time in specific days of the week during a semester.
College of business studies at public authority for applied education and training consist of
two separates main campuses, all male and all female campuses. Course timetabling is done
manually each semester and each department traditionally leads it by select few faculty
members each academic year to perform the task. Since teams changes every academic year,
each team may have their own different methods of timetabling depending on their professional
background. Each department is assigned its own classrooms and labs by the college administration.
Each department uses their own policies when constructing timetable. There are ten different
department covering four primary disciplines . Once the timetable is completed by each department,
it is handed to the regenerator's office where it is entered into a centralized computer for
students to view and register. This task is very complex , time consuming ,
and it carries high potential for errors and time conflicts . It usually takes anywhere
between 2 - 4 days for each department to complete the course timetabling for their faculty
members. Students at College of Business Studies have no influence on how the timetable at
the end should be constructed. Student have to attend courses covering all their major and
minor fields according to the proposed schedule.
Courses vary when it comes to number of hours for each course. Courses carry anywhere
between 1 hour to 7 hours depending on the department. For example computer science
department has classes that hod anywhere between 3 to 7 hours per week. While English
department have classes that carry anywhere between 1 to 4 hours per week. Each course has a
department id, course id, course name, section number, number of hours. Date , time,
room number, location ( Male / Female college ) , and a professor's name will be added during
timetable construction . The following table shows some of the allowed times for scheduling
classes at the computer science department.
0 | S T Th 8:00 - 9:00 | 9 | S T Th 8:00 - 10:00 |
1 | S T Th 9:00 - 10:00 | 10 | S T Th 10:00 - 12:00 |
2 | S T Th 10:00 - 11:00 | 11 | S T Th 12:00 - 14:00 |
3 | S T Th 11:00 - 1200 | 12 | S T Th 14:00 - 16:00 |
4 | S T Th 12:00 - 13:00 | 13 | M W 8:00 - 9:30 |
5 | S T Th 13:00 - 14:00 | 14 | M W 9:30 - 11:00 |
6 | S T Th 14:00 - 15:00 | 15 | M W 12:30 - 14:00 |
7 | S T Th 15:00 - 16:00 | 16 | M W 14:00 - 15:30 |
8 | S T Th 16:00 - 17:00 | 17 | M W 15:30 - 17:00 |
Observing the foregoing table, it is safe to assume that, a slot can be divided into half-hour.
Therefore, a class scheduled on M W 8:00 - 9:30, will reserve 6 slots. Only five classrooms
and nine computer labs are assigned to the computer science department.
The timetabling problem is dealing with generally series of meetings between students,
instructors in classrooms or labs ( space ) for a specific period of time per week
( timeslots ) during a semester according to satisfied constraints . constraints can be
classified as hard or soft [ 5 ] . the following are examples of hard and soft constraints
that appears at College of Business Studies at Public Authority for Applied Education and
Training :-
a. | Female instructors can only teach at the female college . They have high priority in timetabling for all female college [hard] . |
b. | Practical courses that require hands on and practice must be taught in labs [hard]. |
c. | Instructor must teach one class at any given time and a class is taught by one instructor only[hard]. |
d. | Conflicts : Lectures of courses in the same curriculum or taught by the same teacher must be all scheduled at different times [hard]. |
e. | Limited number of classrooms and labs of particular type [hard]. |
f. | Classrooms Occupancy : classrooms can not be shared in a specific time by more than one class or instructor [ hard ]. |
g. | Length of classes can be scheduled for 60 , 90 , 120 minutes only [ hard ] . |
h. | Male instructors are allowed to teach in all female college [ soft ]. |
i. | Instructor's teaching load varies. Department head , Phd holders, non PHD holders , and Lab Instructors all have different teaching loads [ Soft ] |
j. | Number of hours for each class : class could carry 1 . . 7 hours per week [soft] |
k. | Room Capacity : The number of students that attend a course must be less or equal than the number of seats of all the rooms that host its lectures [ soft ]. |
l. | Classroom / Lab utilization : The daily schedule of a classroom or a lab should be as much compact as possible, avoiding unused timeslot [ soft ]. |
4.1 Genetic Algorithms
Genetic algorithms (GAs) are based on finding greatest numbers of feasible solutions then
selecting the best one with the least number of constraints violations. Long bit string encoding
regarding when and where each class is to take place is the most common genetic representation
for a timetable. When selecting pairs of timetables they might be crossed over and as a result ,
the bit string is sliced and new timetables are created. Researchers have implemented
intelligent systems that uses a smarter mutation operator than the cross over mythology.
Other GA timetabling systems represent timetabling as an order of events and the order of
events are inputted into special program which uses the orders in order to produce the timetable.
GA has been implemented that deals with infeasible solutions as well. Population of individual
solution was selected and uniform cross over and transformation operators was applied.
Detailed description of this method found in [ 1 , 6 , 10 ]
4.2 Memetic Algorithms
An one extension of GA's is Memetic algorithms. Memetic algorithms based on a representation
of how ideas progress. The basic units of ideas are memes, which can be improved in order
to reach a local optima during their lifetime unlike gene which can not improved during their
life time. Thus to ensure that all population members of the timetable are at local optima,
a local search method in the form of hill climbing or repairing strategy function is used at
set intervals [1]. One draw back of this particular search technique is the time that the
search takes in order to reach a solution. Paechter and Cumming implemented Memetic lecture
scheduling system that has been used at Napier University [12, 13].
The system is based on set of events . Time slots are associated with each event.
This system employed several types of transformation methodologies on these timeslots and events
successful timeslots are removed and placed on top of the list allowing improvement of memetic
4.3 Simulated Annealing
Simulated Annealing (SA) is arbitrary search technique for finding solution to optimization
problems. It is based on correlation with the physical development of annealing, which involves
the aggregation of many elements in a physical system as it is cooled. Initially ,It was first
used as a technique to solve hard non linear optimization problems . In this method ,
optimization is performed without former knowledge of problem structure or of any particular
solution approach. Most of the time, this method is easy to apply because changes or moves in
the solution space of the problem that is being solved are easy derived. Changes results to
either uphill or downhill arrangements in the solution space. The idea is representing college
timetabling by placing teachings into periods of days of the week so that number of conflicts
for resources such as classes, teachers , classrooms are minimal. The algorithm is identified as
geometric , adaptive , and adaptive with reheating cooling scheduling systems are applied to
college timetabling problem. Syracuse university has tested this method with real test data and
the initial outcome showed that SA with adaptive cooling and reheating algorithm surpasses other
methods. A complete description of this method and how it is applied to college timetabling
problem is found in [6 , 10 , 14] .
4.4 Tabu Search
Similar to Simulated annealing, tabu search starts in the same way as common local search
advancing iteratively from one point (solution) to another until a chosen termination criterion
is satisfied. Local search are based on the notion of neighborhoods. There is a tabu list that is
maintained by tabu search which represent timetables that have been visited recently and are
forbidden. The purpose of this list is prevent cycling moves and prevent the search from staying
in the same area and thus escape from the best possible solution. Usually tabu list is a fixed
size list, When a new move is added to the list the oldest one is removed from that list so
that the moves will not be revisited periodically. In some cases, tabu moves may prevent the
search to proceed in order to fine new improved solution. thus, If tabu timetable best
solution is reached " aspiration level " , the solution might me removed from the tabu list.
More detail are found in [ 6 , 15 , 16 , 17 ]
4.5 Constraint Logic Programming
One way to solve timetabling problem is by using constraint logic programming ( CLP ) over
finite domains. Constraints in timetabling problem are formulated as set of distinct
variables in a declarative manner within the domain. The general idea is to assign values
to variables satisfying all the constraints. Constraint Logic Programming can also be viewed as
logic programming in which unification if being replaced by constraints handler in a constraint
system. The power of this approach clearly demonstrated in languages such as Prolog , CLP ,
CHIP , CHR ( Constraint Handling Rules ) , and DOMLOG . For example, clauses in Prolog are
equivalent to set of constraints in CLP , satisfying these constraints are verified during
execution of the program. In constraint Logic Programming CHIP for example, the starting time for
each course is represented by a domain variable and can represented by numbers. Attributes such as
classroom location of a course may also be a domain variable and can be represented as numbers.
All constraints of the timetabling problem can be symbolized by built-in constraints . Search is
conducted in finding solution and backtracking is performed when conflict is detected. Many
software tools have been developed for automated timetabling. More details regarding these
methods are in [ 1 , 6 , 8 , 9 , 10 ] .
Timetabling system production is very complex task and consist of many steps such as
data gathering, data entry, data verification. One of the steps in timetable production system
is timetable creation. Since timetable creation is a very complex activity and time consuming,
the use of software helps carrying it out and reduces time . The automated ideal timetabling
production system should consist of databases to store data, web site for data entry , timetable
view and maintenance, timetable algorithms for data entry, data verification and timetable
construction. Files are used in order to store input data and output results. When dealing with
files as input, problems dealing with data entry are encountered. Once data are entered
incorrectly, unexpected behavior of the timetable creation algorithm software might be
encountered or the software might terminated abnormally. Incorrect data are very hard to detect
and sometime it requires to be checked manually. One way to solve this problem is automation
checking and data validation upon data entry. Bad data should be rejected by the automation
data verification software. Another problem is system modifications to constructed system
software due to change in user requirements. The problem exist when the system is gigantic
and closed. In order to avoid this problem, The system should be adaptable and easy to
expand [18].
In the following sections, an open and easy to expand system workflow will be presented.
The system performs data verification in the early stages, databases are used for data storage ,
website is used for data entry , data validation according to the specified business rules
before it is stored in the data base. Website can be used as well for information retrieval.
5.1 The timetabling Production System
This system might contain two main components. The first component is the system for data
handling such as data entry , verification, saving .. etc. This subsystem might contain more
than one module. Each module responsible for specific task and deal with specific file or
database. For example, instructors data instructors are saved separately from classes data.
The second component of the system is the timetable construction algorithm. This also might
contain several modules and each module is responsible for specific task. For example,
printing hard copy of timetable schedule module is different from constructing the actual
timetable schedule module which is also different from posting the schedule on the web module.
( See figure 1 shows each department module )
5.2 Data Gathering and preparation
the process of timetable production start when at the beginning of each semester,
the instructor is handed the class request form to indicate the classes that he / she
would like to teach next semester. The process ends when the instructor received his / her
class schedule for the next semester. The entire process takes about 2.5 to 3 weeks to
complete. various data are entered into the system , for example data about the course that
is offered such as time, location, number of hours , days of the week , maximum number of
students allowed to enroll ... etc. this information is entered into the system each semester.
data about instructors are also entered into the system such as teaching status ,
class preference, days and time, class to be taught .. etc. external instructors are not
fed into the system. Classes without assigned instructors are posted as staff and will be
entered into the manually at later stage. Most of this information remains unchanged during
each semester . This data must be verified and stored in data files ( databases ). The choice
of databases are implementation decisions. Exams timetables are not part of this system.
During timetable construction, hard and soft constraints will be taken into considerations.
The algorithm might run more than one time in an iterative nature until an couple of satisfying
solutions are found. Once a satisfied timetable is constructed, instructors will be able to
view them on paper or on the web . Modifications are done via the timetable responsible team
only members. Data entry and database modifications are done via administrative staff with
the timetable team authorization.
software design will describe the elements of the system and how these elements interacts
with each other. Since the system is very complex, We are going the break down the elements
of the system into small parts. This allows the system to be easier to be solved. Once each part
is implemented, the combination of these parts will represent the solution to our complex system.
the system will consist of three major layers, interface , logic, and data persistence layers.
More example of actual implementation of such systems found in [ 3 , 19 , 20 , 21 ] .
6.1 The Interface Layer
First layer is the interface layer which presents data to the user. This layer allow the user to
enter data and the data is exchanged with other layers. One typical type of data in this layer
is basic data that belongs to the institution. This data must be secured and the users are not
allowed to modify any part of it such name of departments, department codes, class codes,
lecture room numbers .. etc. Another type of data is direct input data which is performed by
administration staff. This data includes instructors preference classes to teach, preference
time .. etc. The data is validated as it is entered into the system. Any error must be corrected
before it is stored. Last type of data involves the timetable responsible team which monitor
the system in order to produce a solution without violating any constraints. This layer only
interacts with the logic layer. for example, If database change is required , it must go thru the
logical layer first then the data resolution layer.
6.2 Logical Layer
The second layer is the logic layer. This layer is for data validation and allowing the
data to be exchanged with other layers. The layer also responsible for enforcing the business
rules of the system. business rules do vary and are defined by each institution. These rules
are coded in this layer. Examples of business rules are female instructors are not allowed to
teach at boys college , starting time of first class in the morning, the starting time of the
last class in the afternoon . etc.
6.3 Data Resolution
This is the physical storage of data in files and databases in a specific format after it has
been generated such as text files, databases format, html format .. etc.
In order to implement such a system the following technology needs are required. First ,
A language to implement the data entry forms such as Microsoft access , oracle forms ,
visual basic , html, php, and perl. Most of these languages are widely used in creating web
pages and web applications. Second, the form in which data are interchanged between layers
such as text files , sql , and xml. Third, language to implement the algorithm such as java .
bear in mind that the language must be platform independent. Java is widely used in many
different platforms with various operating system. Finally, a tool to manage the databases
such as MySQL and SQL database. These tools should be used by any programming languages as
long as the programming language has a capability of connecting to the database via
ODBC ( Open DataBase Connectivity ). Java has such capability by using JDBC
( Java DataBase Connectivity )
When it comes to the interface layer, One must a browser that is available in every platform,
a web browser such internet explorer , safari or fire Fox are found in most platforms and
could be used in order to input or modify data.
In the logic layer , since web is going to be used a server is required. Apache HTTP as
web server and Jakarta Tomcat as server to provide the business logic and are widely used in
systems such as UNIX , Windows and MAC. Since this is a web application, security is very
In the data resolution layer, JDBC ( Java DataBase Connectivity ) could be used in order to
store and retrieve data from and to database via SQL language. SQL is standard database
language that is used by most database programming languages such DB2 by IBM and Oracle.
The long and demanding task of creating a timetable for a college can be considerably eased by
the use of computers and the automation process . However, the substantial complexity and variety
of the problem means that there is much room for improvement on current systems. In this paper ,
we presented timetable generation problem with regards to college classrooms , course subjects,
start and end time for each subject. We started by showing several popular techniques used
on course timetabling problem. Such techniques were genetic algorithms, memtic algorithms ,
evolutionary or meta-heuristics algorithms represented in simulating annealing and tabu algorithms.
Constraints Logic which is also popular approach in the area of artificial intelligence,
operational research and logic programming was explored. The paper introduced briefly the
timetabling problem at college of business studies at Public Authority for Applied Education
and Training in Kuwait. A timetabling information system framework in attempt of solving
timetabling problem was presented as well. We proposed a general framework of a timetable
production system for courses. The general framework was proposes around two fundamental
qualities of software development: openness and extensibility. Full range of activities such as
data gathering , data preparation, and timetable construction software system was introduced.
The suggested implementation required technological resources such as languages to facilitate
the data, set of business rules, programming languages to implement the rules, and finally tools
to manage the data. It was clear that automation can be accomplished by using web applications
and browsers such as internet explorer or firefox , databases management systems such as MySQL
or Oracle, and modern programming language such Java to store , process , and retrieve data and
present it on paper or on the web.
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