1342 - 001 - Programming for Scientists and Engineers
Grading Policy | Attendance --- Required Assignments -    15 % Programming Project -    15 % Exam - 1    20 %   ( face-toface ) - Section - 001   - on   9 - 27 - 2023 @ 3:30 pm Exam - 2    20 %   ( face-toface ) - Section - 001   - on   10 - 30 - 2023 @ 3:30 pm Final Exam - 30 % ( face-toface ) - Section - 001   - on   12 - 6 - 2023 @ 5:00 pm |
Grading Scale |
semester average >= 89.5 A 79.5 <= semester average < 89.5 B 69.5 <= semester average < 79.5 C 59.5 <= semester average < 69.5 D less than 59.5 --> F or U |
General Policies :- |
1 - Assignments are due on the assigned date. They will be considered late after the end of the class on the day they are due. Late assignment will not be acceptted . If you have a problem that prevents you from Turing in your assignment on time, talk to me about it before it is due. 2 - You are to do your own work on your assignment. If you are having trouble, ask questions in class or see me during office hours for help. If you have conflict with my office hours, make an appointment with me for a convenient time. 3 - DO NOT SKIP CLASS to WORK ON ASSIGNMENTS. That will only cause you to get further behind. 4 - NO Make-Up Exams will be given. If you have a very good reason why you can not take the exam at the given time, talk to me about it before the exam. 5 - You are responsible for reading all of the assigned chapters. I recommend that you read them before class, so that you will be prepared to ask questions during the lecture. |
Academic Integrity :- |
Strict standards of academic honesty will be enforced according to the , Texas State University policy on academic integrity. Academic dishonesty such as coping or cheating is prohibited in all academic situations and will be penalized accordingly. A student shall be guilty of a violation of academic integrity if he or she :- 1 - Represents the work of others as his or her own. 2 - Obtains assistance in any academic work from another individual in a situation in which the student is expected to perform independently. 3 - Gives assistance to another individual in a situation in which that individual is expected to perform independently. 4 - Offers false data in support of laboratory or field work. |